Quarreling is not the name of the game

I recently preached on Christian unity from Romans 14, and one phrase in verse 5 has stuck with me as incredibly relevant in this cultural moment of Covid-19, tensions over racism, and broader political divisions: “Each one should be fully convinced I his own mind.”...

Two indoor services this week (please RSVP)

Snohomish County was just approved for phase 2, meaning we have the option to gather indoors this Sunday (with some restrictions). We considered remaining outdoors–higher limit on participants, one service, better ventilation–but the weather doesn’t...

Outdoor church

You probably are aware that our governor provided some options for churches to gather in phases 1 and 2. In phase 1, churches can gather outside on their property with up to 100 people. In phase 2, churches can gather in their buildings up to 25% of capacity, or 50...