C.S. Lewis on longing

In yesterday’s sermon I shared a quote from C.S. Lewis on the role of longing in the life of a Christian. This is a theme that runs through many of Lewis’ works, including The Chronicles of Narnia and Lewis’ autobiography, Surprised by Joy. While...

Suffering for self vs. suffering for God

This past Sunday we began our Advent series on living with expectant hope in God’s promises. We considered how God equips Christians to live with hope in all seasons of life. Namely, we suffer 1) with our identity and worth secure, 2) with our faith in his word, 3)...

Mercy requires humility

Yesterday, Pete Williamson preached on humility, using Jesus’ parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector. The takeaway from this parable is that there is only one route into God’s favor and salvation, and that is through his mercy towards undeserving sinners. There...

Why salvation in this way? (5 reasons)

This past Sunday, we looked at Jesus’ claim to forgive sins, and said that God’s forgiveness of sins is not based merely on his love and will to forgive sins, but also on the sacrifice of Jesus in our place. The gospel is not just “God is gracious, loving, and...