Jews and Gentiles

This past Sunday we jumped into a new section of Ephesians, as Nate preached on Ephesians 2:11-18. This section (which we’ll continue in this coming Sunday) deals with the relations of Jews and non-Jews (known as Gentiles) and how those relations are transformed in...

Book review: Practicing the Way

John Mark Comer is one of the most widely-read Christian authors currently, if not THE most widely read. While formerly a pastor in Portland, OR, he now seems to be focusing primarily on his writing. I have only read one of his books, Practicing the Way, but this book...

Politics and the church

There is, understandably, lots of conversations about politics happening right now. At work, around the dinner table, at gatherings and parties, online, and in the news. But what about in the church? Should political conversations within the church be any different?...

In love he predestined us

We spent Sunday looking at the doctrine of election, or predestination. We did this because the word and doctrine come up at least three times in Ephesians 1, which we are going through. The focus of our Sunday morning sermons is to hear and give ourselves to God’s...

Some quotes on God’s providence

Sunday morning sermons are focused on looking at and unpacking God’s word, which is entirely true and trustworthy, and so I try to keep quotes from other sources at a minimum. But there are a number of statements on God’s providence from pastors and...

God’s providence and some cautions

We dove in to the deep end of God’s providence on Sunday, considering what Scripture has to say about this massive and important and practical doctrine. One of the things that is clear is that Scripture does not present God’s overarching providence as a doctrine to...

You are a counselor

I have said on numerous occasions that there is a huge need for solid, Christian counselors. For individuals trained to address specific areas of the human condition, who are grounded in and led by God’s word and Spirit as the ultimate cure. At the same time, I am...

Some reflections on sabbaticals

Now that I’m on this side of my first sabbatical, I have some reflections on sabbaticals, both from my vantage point as a pastor, and from the vantage point of a church whose pastor is on a sabbatical. And I want to help you think through these last few months,...

Some reflections on church membership

This past weekend, five of us went down to Portland for the 9Marks Northwest Conference. 9Marks is a ministry based out of Capital Hill Baptist Church in DC, that grew out of Mark Dever’s (pastor of CHBC) book, Nine Marks of a Healthy Church. This is an annual...

He gives us what we need

And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end, 12 so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Hebrews 6:11-12 As we’ve covered Hebrews 6 the...