Salvation is connected to judgment

We’ve been going through Revelation 21-22 these last few weeks, considering the future hope and home of God’s people, the renewed creation where God will dwell among his people, “wipe away every ear from their eyes, and death shall be no more” (21:4), and satisfy them...

How to test our view of God’s kindness

I began this Sunday’s sermon by asking everyone to consider their view of God’s attitude towards them in their sin. How does God see and receive us in our sin, guilt and shame? Is he shaking his head in frustration? Throwing up his hands in disbelief that you failed...

Relational division and the deception of sin

Part of the reason we experience relational division is that we do not have a biblical understanding of ourselves and how sin affects us. To this end, there are two biblical passages that we could use to always keep in mind. The first, we covered this past Sunday: But...

Planting and watering here and now

 “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. 7 So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” 1 Corinthians 3:6-7 We ended our short series on church planting this past Sunday, and I closed the service...

What can I do?

Somebody asked me recently, “What can I do to serve the church?” I know others are also wondering what roles they can fill in the church. This is a wonderful desire, and such an encouraging thing for a pastor to hear. I am thankful that there is a conviction that the...

A Secular Age and apologetics

Something which I have great personal interest in, and to which I devote some thought and study, but don’t get much outlet for are the twin subjects of apologetics and Christian worldview. Apologetics has to do with making reasoned arguments for the Christian faith....