After a couple months’ process, we are excited to announce that we have signed a 3-year lease on 5,800 sq. ft. for our church in Stanwood: the old pawn shop across from SC News. The membership voted on April 28 to move on this space, as well as to move to Sunday morning services (10:30) once we get into it. This space will function for Sunday services, kids, offices, small group space, etc. It also gives us a more “rooted” and visible presence in this community. More specifically, it provides a platform for the gospel to be heard and disciples to be made in this community. We will spend the next couple of months doing some necessary improvements, before moving into the space sometime this summer.
A few things to note about this:
- While this is a big and exciting change for us as a church, it does not change who we are or what we’re about. The most important thing about us is not when or where we meet, but what brings us together in the first place: our hope in Christ and him crucified. Our common identity in the gospel. That is what we are most excited about. That is what we will continue to preach and proclaim as a church.
- While there are numerous reasons for moving to Sunday morning, and we do believe it is the best step for us as a church, we also understand that it makes attending regularly more difficult for some people. We want you to know that we value each and every one of you, this decision was not made lightly, and I (Derek) would love to sit down with you if you want to understand it more.
- We have a lot of work ahead of us! We estimate a couple months of work to get the space ready. We have a contractor doing the bigger stuff; but there is a lot that is on us (replacing carpet, lots of paint, building a stage, etc). We’ll get the first work party scheduled soon. Stay tuned!
Praise God for providing this space for us. Pray that he would use it for the proclamation of the gospel, and the making and maturing of people who glory and boast in Jesus!