Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for the example all moms give us, however imperfectly, of sacrificial, selfless, other-centered love. Thank you for their example of endurance and faithfulness through the challenges of being a mom.
In all of this, we get a glimpse of your perfect sacrificial love for us. Of you giving of yourself to the utmost for our sake, even when we deserved none of it. Of your faithfulness to us, though we are disobedient and ornery children.
We pray that our mothers would find their worth and identity and hope first and foremost in being your child, in being known by you, loved by you, and held by you. Teach them to neither make an idol out of their motherhood, nor downplay the significance of this role. Remind them that their children ultimately belong to you, that their work is that of a steward, and may this both strengthen them and drive them to yourself.
We pray that in their mothering work, you would draw them to your truth and promises, and in them they would find great wisdom, strength and hope. Draw them to yourself regularly in prayer, and through this may they see your presence and provision.
For those currently raising children in their home, give them wisdom in extending both grace and discipline. Give them opportunities to point to your truth and grace in ways their kids can understand. And may all our children come to know, love, and trust you.
May our mothers see the fruit of their labor, and find joy in seeing their children grow and mature.
As your grace and Spirit work in our families, may we extend your grace to those around us. May our families love and serve other families and individuals in this community. May our work to love and care for our families provide a compelling witness to the power and truth of your gospel. And may you bring others into your family through this witness.